Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Internal love

Is it really hard to find love within yourself? Why is it that everyone wants all the - external - things in life to make themselves happy? fast cars, designer jeans, the latest and greatest purse, the list can go on and on. Seems like everyone feels these are the "things" in life that complete them. I am first to admit that about 4 years ago I thought this.. I got myself in allot of debt just trying to keep up with everyone thinking I was SO HAPPY inside when I wasn't. Its amazing that once you stop thinking the grass is greener on the other side how much you realize the "internal love" you have for yourself. All those materialistic things don't make anyone happy, maybe for the moment they do but they either catch up to you later in life when your struggling financially... all  for your ass to look good in a pair of designer jeans.I really think people need to be happy with what the have presently in life, family, children, good friends, maybe even the pair of jeans you have had since last winter. You don't have to think of always doing the next best thing to make yourself happy.. trust me if you just live for the moment and stop trying to impress everyone and just be Happy with yourself and what you have. Everything else will fall into place when its right. Most of those people who drive huge lifted trucks carrying 2 four wheelers on the back are struggling to pay there house payment and are prob living a very strapped for cash life all for everyone to think there happy. I have come to terms with my internal love and how happy I am for what I presently have, there are times when I want this and that but then I sit back and am so thankful for what I presently have in life and wouldn't change a thing. I have a home over my head for me and my daughter, a car to drive , a great job to make all this happen and I am completely happy with everything (:

- Jenna

1 comment:

  1. i love this! ha... when i was young[er] and immature[er] i totally would buy everything i saw but it's the things you work really hard for and the people in your life that really actually make you happy. now go buy me a pair of designer jeans... kthx :)
